May 2, 2024
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CBC News Article on the Shortage of Skilled workers in Ontario.’s%20construction,deputy%20chief%20economist%20Benjamin%20Tal.
Read more: Trends and Changes in the Field of CarpentryCanada is in a housing crisis with a shortage of skilled workers, consumers will be looking to alternative’s such as premanufatured homes to meet thier needs. As mentioned in the article there has been many barriers around enterring the trades. Government is scrambling to find a way to fill the gap they created. This gap goes much deeper then the news article explains. Carpentry is a not only physicaly demanding but its mathematical and compedative. Many young potential carpenters don’t see themselves working in the trades because they have no roll models as examples to guide them into the mindset of a carpenters apprentice. Many public schools don’t offer enough challenges in trade programs. A shift in how we value experience in the public school system along with encouraging competition around higher order thinking and physical activities would prepare the next generation for the rewarding demands of the world of carpentry.